We offer solutions to synchronize this source of power to strategically
align enterprise services and solutions by
leveraging our highly skilled and innovative workforce. We align commercial capabilities
and CK’s comprehensive
expertise with partnering companies. We are specialized professional technologists in
products and services focused on
State of the art, high end IT and Media industry since 2001.
VAST’s disaggregated, shared-everything architecture
(DASE) is a purpose built storage cluster architecture
designed to scale to petabytes, give tier-1 all-flash
performance, and sells for a price point
equivalent to
what customers pay for archive storage. By breaking
the long-standing price/performance trade-off in
storage, VAST has built a system architecture that’s
fast enough, scalable enough
and affordable enough
for all data and all applications.
Artificial Intelligence
RDMA acceleration for GPU servers is 4x faster than
NAS and VAST eliminates HDD latency by making
flash affordable for all training data.
Content Creation
Workflows run faster when you combine the
performance of all-flash NAS at the price point of
archive storage.
Content Delivery
CDNs and cable operators can now afford to
eliminate service latency and serve exabytes of
content from flash.
Data Protection
Enterprise backups are more efficient, recoveries are
faster, and data centers are compacted with VAST.
The performance of a parallel file system with the
simplicity of a modern NAS platform.
Life Science
Accelerate classic and modern bioinformatics
pipelines and consolidate storage silos.
Quantitative Trading
Gain ultimate advantage when all research data can
be analyzed at NVMe speeds
By applying new thinking to how storage can be
designed, scaled and how data can be efficiently
managed, VAST Data has built an architecture with
the principal focus of breaking the long standing
trade-off that has existed between performance and
capacity. We have introduced a new system that saves
customers up to 90% vs. what they’ve paid for legacy
Vast Data is NVMe
OF architecture, where compute and data boxes are isolated and expandable to
exabyte scale out all flash storage by adding just data box and compute box if
needed, one global
namespace will allow you to see all the data at one place
and all compute box power of CPU, Ram will be added as one power, so there is
no bottleneck at hardware level.
Q. What we are using in the storage – Raid or something
Vast Data is using erasure code which is advanced and more resilience for the
data protection
Vast Data has its proprietary and world-class operating system and today we
have the world’s biggest developing team in the U.S and other countries
Vast 3.0 will add an even more advanced technique known as global
similarity-based data reduction. Similarity reduction is able to detect smaller
data blocks, but not identical ones and then use that similarity to store data
in a way that only the deltas between those similar blocks are stored. This can
save a great deal of space in unexpected ways since a lot of data are similar
but not identical